Detox your body & skin

Posted: March 12, 2014 By: Comment: 0

Four simple morning routines to clear the body from toxins and pollutes. I do this every morning and figured I share with you.

Each step only takes between 30 seconds to a few minutes, so it’s made for everyone to fit into their morning routine. TIP: get it done before you turn on the iPhone or laptop!

I. Tongue scraping

A must have and must do. First thing after you wake up. BEFORE drinking or eating anything. Literally scrape off all bacteria collected on your tongue. My favorite.

II.  Lemon water with honey

Warm (not hot!) water with freshly squeezed lemon and 1 tsp raw unfiltered honey.  This detoxes your body and gives you a C-vitamin boost better than any pill out there.

III. Neti pot

Rinse the nasal cavities with saline solution. Take 1/2 tsp salt (I prefer Himalayan Salt) and dissolve in 1/4 cup of hot water. Add 3/4 of cold water or until it is room temperature. To see what a neti pot is or to buy click here (this is the kind I personally use).

III.  Body Brushing 

Who doesn’t want healthy glowing skin? This helps with removing dead skin cells, opens pores, increases lymphatic drainage and blood circulation and has a wonderful “awakening” effect on the body. Finish by applying any of your favorite organic cold-pressed oils;  sesame, almond, sunflower, jojoba or coconut. Make sure that the oil is organic and unrefined. My favorites.

Give it a try, maybe try step I and II first. Then add as you get more comfortable. Every step counts!

With care and love,

~ Marie