it's a lifestyle
April 4, 2016
Running With Yoga
Running and Yoga make an excellent couple. Adding yoga into your training program will improve your performance as well as reduce the risk for overuse injuries. Get your yoga flow ...More
- Balans Wellness Studio
Float Special
Float and improve your running performance. Floating helps with sports PERFORMANCE,INJURY PREVENTION and RECOVERY . PRE-RACE. Float to improve your performance and reduce ...More
- Balans Organic Spa
January 18, 2016
Chia Seed – The Miracle Seed
Chia Seed Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia! You may remember chia by the bizarre clay pets that sprouted green grass for hair, but fortunately we have come to realize that the chia seed have incredib...More
- Balans Organic Spa
December 29, 2015
Balans Organic Spa
Balans organic spa was founded on a true devotion to raise the bar for the spa and skincare industry. We are committed to educate on how to support your health and wellness while c...More