Cold & flu – be ready!
Whether we want it or not its that time of year. First, to fight this battle is to not get it. Eat and move wisely and make sure to snooze a little extra.
But what do you do when you catch that bug?
My all time favorite and organic home made tea infusion (which has helped me and my family many times!):
“God hälsa”
(Good health)
• Ginger root (+ leaves! whenever available during farm season)
• Turmeric
• Cinnamon
• Raw honey
Serve with:
• Fresh garlic
• Lemon
If you can get hold of fresh ginger root that’s even tastier (and don’t forget the leaves which is the best part to make tea!).
Put the sliced ginger in a tea strainer and let steep in boiling hot water for 6-8min. Add a pinch of turmeric, cinnamon and teaspoon (or tablespoon for those of you with a sweet tooth 🙂
Chop up one garlic clove finely separately. Hey who minds the smell, it’s delicious!
Now the challenge…
As if you’re taking a pill swallow the garlic with the tea. Be careful so the tea is not too HOT!
Lemon is for after. Simply squeeze and drink in room tempered water.
Don’t add into the tea as vitamin C is heat sensitive!
And WHY should I drink this?
Ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, honey and garlic… Mother Nature couldn’t offer much stronger anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory concoction. Taken together with a late dose of vitamin C and your immune system will thank you!
Go natural!
YES, it is better to use what naturally exist in our kitchen than the pills offered at the store.
To your health.