Kettlebell Workout

Posted: February 12, 2014 By: Comment: 0

Goblet Squat

By Ron Abecassis, Movement and Strength

What is a kettlebell?  The kettlebell is a cannonball shaped weight with a handle. It’s believed to be originated from ancient Greece and was used for centuries by the Turks, Russians, and the former Soviet government to develop strength and endurance.

Why use a kettlebell?  Kettlebells are extremely versatile and provide great results in improving balance, increasing strength, and enhancing overall body functionality. They are also a worthy tool to use for losing weight, building lean muscle tone, optimizing sport performance, and maintaining an overall good physique. Kettlebell training helps you improve your quality of life as you age. Men and women of any age can benefit. Kettlebells also serve as great prevention tools to restore muscular imbalances in the body. Personally, I have used the kettlebell to improve and reverse misalignments, compensations, and weaknesses in many of my clients.

It’s easy and it’s for everyone. Kettlebells  are easy to learn. The basic movements are simple and you can start using them right away. The techniques involved with kettlebell training are generally full body movements. They create a quick and efficient workout.

The MUST DO’s before kettlebell training: Initial screening and assessment, learning the correct apparel, awareness of your surroundings while using them, proper warm up techniques ( like foam rolling/active stretching, movement preparation), hydration and nutrition timing.

The most basic movement with the kettlebell is the Swing Most other movements with the kettlebell derive from a swinging motion. The key with this movement is proper body alignment and using the core and hips as the power source.

The main kettlebell exercises: Goblet Squat, Deadlift, Swing (variations include clean, jerk and snatch), Farmer Walks, and the Turkish Get Up

Here is a basic workout to start with: Swing 15×3, Goblet Squat 10×3, Clean and Press 5R/5L x3, Farmer Walk 4 x3 (20 paces), Turkish Get Up 2R/2L x3

Want to learn how to use them? Come meet with me!